
November 2012

 Benson started tumbling at the community center. On Monday's we drop Addy off at school and then meet Cailyn and Chelsea for our class. Benson runs circles around most of the kids in there. He has so much fun trying the different courses that coach Brittany sets up each week. His favorite is the huge blow up jumping area and doing flips on the bar. I look forward to our time together each week.

The second week of November I went home for a weekend by myself. It was awesome! I haven't been  alone on an airplane since before I was married. I read almost an entire book on my flight there and took a nap.  I had so much fun with my family. I of course shopped a lot, ate at all my favorite places, made some crafts, stayed up way too late every single night, and met and held my twin little nephews for the first time. I went to a wedding at the Bountiful temple and afterwards my family took me out to dinner to celebrate my birthday early. My family surprised me with a Michael Kors watch for my gift. I love it so much! I definitely need a trip alone once a year!

The next week I got together with some friends to see the late showing of Breaking Dawn Part 2. We had a lot of fun sitting around waiting for the movie to start. That weekend four of our friends rode the train into the city to celebrate Liz turning 30. We had such a fun night! Dinner was delicious and I think Sunda is my new favorite sushi restaurant. We walked to sprinkles to get cupcakes and then walked Michigan Ave and checked out the lighting of the city. It was such a beautiful night and I enjoyed the fabulous company.

Thanksgiving this year was spent with friends from our ward. The food was so delicious and we really enjoyed our time at the Callister's home. We are so grateful for all of our amazing friends here!

1 comment:

Liz Smith said...

so beautiful! love you!