
February 2012

Addy and I made Valentine cookies this year. She loved being in charge of dumping all the ingredients in the Bosch and turning it on and off. She did a great job rolling out the dough and using the cookie cutters. Benson and daddy were napping while we were baking. They loved waking up to a yummy treat. Addy was very proud of her cookies and I loved the one on one time I got with her. 

Here are some pictures of my two little people on Valentine's Day. I seriously had to bribe Benson with some treats to be able to get a few pictures! He definitely does not like being any part of pictures.


Rick and Kori said...

These pictures are to die for! Your kids are adorable and Benson got some great shots for a little boy that doesn't like getting his picture taken!

Chelsea said...

I'm lovin the updates! keep them coming! Your kids are priceless! What great pictures!