
Benson's 2nd Birthday..... Feb 2012

My baby turned two! It was a really fun day spent with my little family and my mom and sisters. Benson woke up that morning and saw his balloons and the banner I made for him and was very excited. He called it his "happy happy". 

Benson's birthday dinner consisted of fajitas, fresh homemade salsa and guacamole, cilantro rice, and of course cupcakes and ice cream. Benson only ate "dip dip" and rice for dinner, but was very happy about it.


Benson wasn't as interested in opening his presents as I had hoped. He loves getting the gifts but doesn't want to sit and open them all. He just wants to play with every toy right then. With a little help from mom and dad we got through it. We are so grateful for all the presents our families gave to him. 

 After all the presents were opened, I had Christian bring up his last present from the basement. The look on his face when he saw the truck was priceless! Benson had been asking for this "Costco truck" for over a month. Every time we would go to Costco we would go and look at it. He would beg the whole shopping trip for the truck. I would always tell him " we have to ask daddy." To every worker he saw he would say " pease daddy Costco truck?" They had no idea what he was talking about. 

Benson ran right over and got inside the truck to drive. He was such a happy boy! Addy of course was just as excited about this present! They took turns driving and who got to sit in back. It will be so fun when they can play outside in it together this summer.

Here our some pictures of all the party guests!

Benson was very excited to blow out the candle on his "happy happy cake!"  He kept asking Christian to re-light the candle over and over again. We let him a few more times and then Addy had a turn as well! 

I really enjoyed celebrating my little guy! He adds so much to our family. He is one wild and crazy boy and definitely keeps me busy. I have loved watching my kids become best friends. Benson adores Addy so much and wants to do everything she does. He has learned so much in a few short months. He went from saying only around 5 words at 18 months to pretty much saying everything at 2 yrs old. Sometime I can't make out every word he says, but he tries! He has even started putting together 2 words. We switched him around forward facing in the car and it is a whole new world for this boy. He can see everything now! Which is a problem when I am sneaking treats and he can see me.

Here are a few more things about Benson at 2 years old......

- he loves Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh
- he is still a sugar fanatic and begs for it all day long
- he chipped his front tooth jumping off the couch
- he had a black eye for his party from falling in the tub
- he is a very happy boy and is rarely aggressive 
- he is still very curious and gets into everything
- he loves any ball, especially golf balls
- he loves to build towers with his blocks and then crash them down
- daddy is still his favorite
- his bedtime is 8:00 pm and wakes up around 7:30-8:00 am
- he is napping once a day for 2-3 hours and loves his sleep
- he loves to watch any of the Baby Einsteins with animals
- he loves any book with animals
- horses are his favorite right now
- he knows all the animals on a farm and their sounds and some from the zoo
- he no longer will sit in a highchair/ booster, he wants a "big boy" chair



Rick and Kori said...

Such a cute party and I love how you scrapped them all! He is such a doll. I still can't get over how sweet he was with Liv yesterday. I just love your cute little family!!

Erin said...

cutie!!! love his 2 year pictures :)

The Rookie said...

I seriously love his little voice and personality! Cute party, as always! Can't wait to see more posts! ;)