I can't believe that Addy turned 3 yesterday! These years are really flying by. It was so fun for her and I to look back through all her pictures today and pick out some to show you. She has changed so much through these last three years. Love this little girl!
You say she looks so different?!?! All you have to do is look at that first picture of her and you KNOW that is your cute little Addie! But I understand she does look like such a big girl (Especially the picture in her swim suit!) Happy birthday cute girl!!!
P.S. We miss you guys!
awww happy birthday addy!!! hope it was a great day!!!!
ps. i just showed ella these pictures and told her it was Addy's birthday and she had the best grin on her face!!! and then she just pointed to her in your family picture and said "Addy" it was sooo sweet! she must miss her a lot!
I just love Addy! She is so adorable and she is so sweet with Cailyn. I hope her birthday was amazing!
How adorable is she!? She still looks just like she did when she was born! I've never seen a baby look so much the same from day one to year three! So cute!
Addy really is so much fun! We absolutely adore her! Jackson wants to marry her! I say we start an arranged marriage :)
I LOVE all the pictures. Beautiful from the start. I hope you all had a great day yesterday. Loves and hugs for sweet little Addy from us!
Addy is the cutest sweetest little girl ever. We are glad we got to celebrate a little early with her. I told Cohen it was her birthday yesterday and he said "I miss Addy, I like when she comes to visit!" Happy Birthday Cute girl!
awwwwww....happy birthday, Addy!!! she is such a cutie!
I love all the pictures! It's crazy to remember back to all of those stages...so fun for different reasons. All of them. Hope Addy had a happy birthday. Love and miss you guys!
She is so adorable. We are so blessed to have her in our lives. Thank you two for giving us such a cutie for our first grandchild. We love you and miss you.
Addy is such a sweet precious little girl! She really is such a crack up and has such a funny mature personality for only be 3 years old! Happy Birthday Addy!!!!
What a little sweetie! Happy Birthday to a darling little girl! I love hearing all the funny things she says!
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