The first week of October we flew to Utah because I had to get some dental work fixed. My mouth had been hurting for over 2 months. My dentist fixed me up and I can chew again. While we were home, my family celebrated my mom and Addy's birthdays. We had a combined party at my moms house.
Addy in her "party" outfit. She wanted to wear this outfit for my sisters!
Here are the two birthday girls!

My mom ordered Ligori's take- out and made Addy a cute pink cake. While we were waiting for everyone to come, we couldn't keep Addy out of the frosting. She kept sticking her fingers in the side of the cake and licking the frosting. We would ask her to stop but she kept saying, " but it's my birthday cake." She loves frosting! Next thing I know she had her face right up to the cake licking the frosting right off! It was so funny!

Addy was spoiled by my family as usual! Her two favorite gifts were from my sisters. Her very own laptop and digital camera! She took over 200 photos at her birthday party. It cracks me up listening to her mimic what I say to get people to smile at her. She followed behind me taking pictures of everyone. There were a lot of pictures of double chins and close ups of peoples faces!

I really enjoyed spending the time with my family! My grandparents were able to stop by for cake and ice cream. We are always happy to see them! Christian was able to come for Saturday but had to fly home Sunday night. He went to the Priesthood session with his dad while we partied. They hadn't been to a session for a few years together.
On conference Sunday we met Christians family at the Layton Park to listen to the afternoon session. His mom and sisters made a yummy lunch and they had cupcakes and presents for Addy. She is going to be disappointed when she finds out she doesn't get 3 parties every year!
Ages 7 months- 12 years old

Singing "Happy Birthday", opening presents, and eating cupcakes.
We were so happy we were able to spend some time with all of Addy and Benson's cousins. They have so much fun together!
The Friday after Addy's birthday we had a little party for her at our house. We invited a few friends and their families over for dinner, cupcakes and ice cream. Addy wanted a Minnie Mouse party. She has really loved Minnie Mouse ever since we went to Disney World. I didn't do a lot, but I thought her banner and cupcakes turned out really cute. I had a lot of fun making them!
Some of our guests.

Thank you everyone for all the birthday gifts and wishes for Addy. We really appreciate all the love and support we get from our friends and families. It is hard living away and celebrating these special days without our families. Our friends are great and we love them!

Singing "Happy Birthday", opening presents, and eating cupcakes.
We were so happy we were able to spend some time with all of Addy and Benson's cousins. They have so much fun together!
The Friday after Addy's birthday we had a little party for her at our house. We invited a few friends and their families over for dinner, cupcakes and ice cream. Addy wanted a Minnie Mouse party. She has really loved Minnie Mouse ever since we went to Disney World. I didn't do a lot, but I thought her banner and cupcakes turned out really cute. I had a lot of fun making them!
Some of our guests.

Thank you everyone for all the birthday gifts and wishes for Addy. We really appreciate all the love and support we get from our friends and families. It is hard living away and celebrating these special days without our families. Our friends are great and we love them!
Happy Birthday Addilyn!
Cutest parties ever! I love your cute Minnie Mouse decorations! Daci loves Minnie too, that is what she is going to be for Halloween! I love her cute dress that she wore that matches her decorations. She is such a cute girl! I love playing with her in nursery!
Way cute pics!! I LOVE her pink skirt and white cardigan. The pics of her and your mom are darling! And of course, the Minnie Mouse party rocked!! Love the cute sassy girl so much!!
Oh sister, I love all the party pics. It was fun to celebrate while you were here and I LOVE her minnie mouse decor at home. It looks so cute.
Happy Birthday Addy...You're such a big girl! Lovins.
p.s. that deleted comment was me- whoopsy!
You got such cute pictures at the park! Hope Addy had fun at all 3 of her parties! What happened to the family website that we all were supposed to post pictures on?!! We need to do that again and share what we have!!
Alisa- I uploaded everything I have from that day to our family site. :)
sooo cute!!! and i love the banner! too bad I never got around to making one :( because it is ADORABLE. But my moms gonna buy a cricut one of these days, so I will have to try it out!!!! I almost bought ella that exact red plaid dress that addy is wearing. how funny is that! hope you guys had a great birthday party, wish we could have been there!!!
Yeah some how I missed this post! I am glad you mentioned it today! SO CUTE! I loved how excited Addy was about having her friends! And of course your decorations were fantastic! Who made those awesome cupcakes? :)
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