I found out early the morning of July 12 that my moms dad had passed away in the night. It was a bitter sweet thing for our whole family. My grandpa wanted to be with my grandma so much. He has really missed her! My grandpa has only 1 living sibling, so I am sure the reunion was amazing. But we all love my grandpa so much and it was sad to see him go. I was lucky that my kids and I were able to see him the last couple times we were home. For that I am very grateful!
I talked to Christian about going home for the funeral and we started making plans. The flights were not good all week long. I had our bags packed the entire week waiting for a flight. We thought Wednesday would be our best shot, but we found out when we got to the airport it was a no go. Christian and I decided on our final plan at12:30 a.m. Thursday morning that we would fly out at 6 a.m. We couldn't get to Utah from Chicago but there were plenty of flights from surrounding states. Christian talked me into an adventure and I went to bed for almost 2 hours and then I was up getting my family out the door.
We landed in Minnesota a little after 7 a.m. and went to the hotel. Christian agreed to let me have the first nap since I went along with his crazy plan. Our hotel was about a mile from the Mall of America. So we jumped on the shuttle from our hotel and went to check things out.

We ate lunch at the food court that over looks the nickelodeon theme park. Addy wouldn't even sit still. She was so excited! She wanted to go on the rides so bad. I barely got a few bites of rice in Addy and we were off to ride the rides. We got Addy an all day pass and on every ride she went on she was in the height range where a parent could ride for free. Benson was abnormally content to just hang out in the stroller and play. He usually does ok for a bit but wants to be held after awhile. We let Addy ride for a few hours and then she went back to the hotel for a nap with Christian. Benson and I stayed and shopped. The mall is amazing to say the least! So many stores had additional accessory stores I didn't even know existed! I walked around for 2 hours just kind of browsing and didn't make it all the way through.
Christian and Addy came back and we went to dinner at Famous Dave's. Then it was back to the rides! All around the ride area there are people dressed as characters from the different nickelodeon cartoons. Addy really likes some of those shows. But when she saw the characters she freaked! She started crying and screaming! It was sad and kind of funny. I can't imagine why Dora and her 8 foot head wouldn't scare a 2 yr. old! The hamster from Wonder Pets was also pretty freaky looking. So whenever she saw someone and she started to panic, one of us would hold her and we would walk the other way.
I guess Disney World will be interesting!

Here are a few pictures from my grandpa's viewing. His flowers were so pretty! They had a tomato vine through out the arrangement. Nothing beats my grandpa's tomatoes!

This is where you could find Addy most evenings at my mom's house, outside pushing the shopping cart around the block. She loves to go on walks but really liked pushing her own baby while I pushed Benson. My dad walked outside with her for hours too. She knows papa would always take her!

We were lucky that this trip we were able to go to my mom's family reunion. It was the first year without my grandparents. It was fun to see and hang out with my cousins. Addy played the entire time in the sand and on the swings. Our last night there she had about an inch of sand on her scalp!
-starting to not sleep so great at night
- 2 naps a day
-rolls from back to tummy
-hates to be on his tummy
-wearing 9month & 12 month clothes
-loves bath time
- weighs a little over 17 lbs
-always smiles
-loves to play with Addy

-she is very clever and sassy
-loves nursery
- she sings "I am a child of god" and " I love to see the temple" all day long
- she wears 2t-3t clothes and her little foot is almost in a 7
-outside is her favorite place to be
- she loves to water the flowers and wash dishes
- the park is her favorite place to be with her dad
-she is very into paying with her babies and playing house
These pictures are just gorgeous, Ashley! They look professional! Having such cute kiddos helps, to be sure! ;)
I still can't stop laughing thinking of Addy freaking out about Dora and the giant hamster. Hopefully the princesses that actually look like pretty women in beautiful dresses and not giant puppets that are going to attack you will help. Just keep her away from Mickey and Goofy!
Glad you got to come visit for a while!
Love all the new pictures, they really are too cute.
I know your husband takes you on some crazy adventures, but it looks like this one was a hit ;) She is clearly scarred by their giant heads, and a big Paul Bunnion dumping water because she kept talking about them weeks after the fact ;) Here's too hoping Disney World won't scar the child...it is coming fast.
I am glad you got to come home, even if it was for a bitter sweet reason. I will miss grandpa too, but I am glad they are together again. I couldn't help but smile thinking about the reunion he had. So grateful for the plan of salvation.
Loved the tomato plant touch...I think it was mom's idea ;)
Hate the fat sweaty picture of me UGH!
Way too long of a comment. Sorry.
I am so glad we got to see you and your cute kids. I had a great time hanging out. I didn't realize that was a tomato vine in Grandpa's flower arrangement. That was a perfect touch.
love the pictures! you did sooo good on these 5 months and 2 1/2 year pictures!
Thanks guys! I actually didn't take the 5 month or 2 1/2 year pics. My friend Shanda took them for me! I love them. Guess I better add her name so she gets the credit! :)
I love all the updates! When is my photoshop lesson? Your scrapbook pages are adorable!
Its always fun to see you guys when you come!! Our kids love to play. Hope to see you too. Love all your pictures!
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