Benson tried rice cereal for the first time on July 9Th. He randomly will wake up in the night so hungry. He has been such a good sleeper so I didn't want to ruin his sleep pattern and get him into a habit of nursing in the night. So I decided to start him a little early on cereal hoping it would keep him full through the night.
Benson didn't quite get how to open his mouth for the spoon at first. Once he had several bites he didn't want to open his mouth. Every bite I would get in he would spit right back out. Addy loved feeding Benson. She got more on his face than in his mouth, but she did such a great job!
I fed Benson cereal two nights in a row with a successful nights sleep. On the third day he was pretty sad and grumpy all morning. He cried through most of sacrament. I left to feed him and to get him to sleep. He cried and screamed the entire time. He never turns down a feeding! He was grunting and struggling to go potty. Turns out that little bit of cereal backed the poor boy up. He didn't even eat a 1/4 cup between the two nights. I tried oatmeal the other night since it's suppose to be easier on their stomachs, but again after one feeding he was backed up. So we are not doing any cereal until after his 6 month check up with the doctor. Unfortunately Benson has been waking up a few nights a week. It's torture! He eats quickly and pretty much stays asleep though.

The very next morning Christian and I were getting some things ready for the day and Benson and Addy were playing on the floor. Christian noticed that Benson was on his belly. This was the first time he has rolled over. He gets so frustrated once he gets on his belly. He won't try and push himself up at all. Most of the time he buries his face in the ground and cries. Benson constantly rolls from side to side playing with his toys. Lately he rolls over again and again while he plays but fusses as soon as he gets stuck. I am not sure he realizes that he will be on his belly when he rolls to his toys.
poor little guy! hopefully he is able to go back to eating the stuff soon so that he and you can get a good night's sleep.
We went through the same thing with Cash! I started him on rice cereal and bananas--he cried when he went to the bathroom and his bum was bleeding! It was so sad! Anyway his Dr. recommended the oatmeal and foods with lots of fiber like peaches, prunes, pears, and apples. Also the green stuff like peas and green beans. Also apple juice watered down in a sippy once a day and if it still didn't work miralax. Anyway we did what she said and he has been great ever since! Good luck with it I hope it gets better:) Love and miss you!
Such a big BOY! Can you believe it's already time to roll over? Hope his tummy likes something soon.
Cute pages!
I always mixed my boys cereal with peaches or apples. That is what my dr. recommended. More fruit then cereal too. I hope you find something that works for your little guy. He sure is cute!!!
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