Addy skinned her knees for the first time ever today. I feel so bad! Addy and Christian were at the park playing earlier today and she was so excited to be there. She was running up the sidewalk saying " park I love you, I missed you park", and she tripped on a crack in the cement and fell. Addy was sad but she didn't cry. She was more concerned that she had to have medicine and a band-aid. Christian told her she didn't have to just yet.
Benson and I came a little later and brought lunch over for a little picnic. Addy came running to me and said " no medicine, not yet". I felt so bad! Her knees look like they hurt. When we got home Addy wouldn't get out of the car. She said she wanted to just stay in her seat. I thought she wanted to go with her dad to work since he was leaving in a few minutes. It all came down to not wanting to go inside because she was scared to get a band-aid. I'm not sure why she is so scared of them.
I asked Addy if I could take a picture of her knees. She immediately started crying and ran to her room. She didn't even want to look at them herself. I convinced her to let me but she cried the entire time. I am so mean! I eventually was able to bandage her up. I agreed to put a band-aid on both my knees, which made things a little better. I changed her out of her dress and into pants so she could go back outside to play. She is scared to sit down or bend her legs. I am sure her knees are sore. I had to pick her up to lay her down so she could snuggle up for the night. Hopefully her knees will heal fast!
She is so sad. That just breaks my heart. Kiss it better from nanny. That little guy is such a sweety. Kiss him from me too.
awww...poor girl. i hope they heal soon. and benson is soooo cute!!! :)
It is sad when your kids get hurt. She is a cutie and so you little Benson.
Poor thing! Jackson fell on our Sunday walk and skinned his knees too... I guess it's going to happen more often when the weather is as nice as it has been. Can I just say I LOVE little Benson's cheeks! He is so scrumptious:)
Oh poor little Addy! She was so happy to be at the park and then she fell :( I can't help but giggle a little about the picture of her crying. It is so sad, I wonder why she is afraid of band-aids?
Benson is changing so much! He is so cute.
That poor little girl! That is just pitiful! She was just so happy to be at the park!
Benson is a doll-baby! That cute little grin is to die for!
dont raise a pussy! u feel sad for what ? scraped knee? if its first my god so big girl and first time she felt? so u raise a pussy but for sure not lkast time her knees will be very skinned:))
good for her
make her use to this and let her scrape knees as much as she likes
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