Benson is staying awake more during the day. He is smiling a lot and loves when you talk to him. He is such a sweet little baby! He will be 7 weeks tomorrow. Wow the time is flying by fast! Benson's 1 month check up stats: weight 10lbs 10.5 oz, 22 1/4 inches. He has out grown all his
0-3 month clothes and is now sleeping around 6-7 hours through the night. Last night he slept 7.5 hours!

2 weeks ago the weather started warming up, so we have been playing outside more. Addy has been really enjoying the sunshine. The kids rode in the double stroller to the park for the first time together. Addy loved having Benson next to her. Christian is so good about chasing Addy around. The two of them have so much fun together.

Both my sisters came to stay with me toward the end of March. Allyson came to visit first. Of course it was bad weather almost the entire time she was here. We did a little shopping, but mostly just hung out at my house, relaxed, and played with the kids. Sadly I didn't take one picture! We both kept thinking we would take some once we got ready, but instead stayed in our jammies most the time. I am sad I don't have one with her and Benson. I am happy she came and got to meet my little guy though.
Andrea came two days later and stayed for four days. The weather was a little warmer so we were able to get out more. One of the days we went to Brookfield Zoo for the first time. Of course Addy enjoyed seeing all the animals. Some animals were still inside from the winter season but we were able to see plenty. Christian bought us a year pass so we will be going there throughout the summer.

This last week the weather was in the 70's. We met some friends at the park and played outside in our front yard coloring with chalk and blowing bubbles. I was able to snap my first picture of Benson's little smile. He melts my heart! His smile is getting bigger and is sweeter than ever!

so cute! Benson is such a good mix of you two. He is a chunky little guy I just love it. Glad you guys can get out of the house, it helps so much with the insanity!!
Well you know i need all of those pictures. Send them to costco and i'll pick them up after work. Cute, cute. Love them babies.
Cute, cute, cute. I love Addi in her sweater and green leggings she is a doll, and the weather was so nice... that's great! I can't believe benson is sleeping so good, that is fabulous.. cream maker!!! :) I can't wait to see him. p.s. It does get easier to get out the door... sort of! Just at a later time. Love ya cus
Soo cute! Both of them..I love the pictures. BTW I must say that you have great taste! I often see Addy in the same outfits I have for funny.gotta love Target. Glad you all are doing well!
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