He was born Feb 18 at 4:45 p.m. weighing 8lbs 4oz and 19 inches long. We are both doing great! Addy loves him! She was very excited to see her new baby brother. She kept saying to him " Addy right here baby Benny, I right here." She also said a few times, " hi little buddy!"
I loved having them together at the hospital even though it was just for a few minutes.
I was able to have a VBAC and the delivery was very quick. If everything goes as planned, we will get to go home tomorrow. Christian's parents are here taking great care of us. My mom will be here next week! I can't wait for her to meet my little guy. I will post more pictures once we are home.
Oh my gosh Ashley, he is so stinken cute, I want to kiss his little cheeks. I love his hair, congrats ash and chris, we are glad everything went so well we love ya... Have tons of fun with your new little guy!
yayaya!!!!!!!!! your so fast to post pics!!! and thats so exciting that addy could come see him! She looks sooo excited to see him! Glad to hear your both doing good!!! cant wait to meet benson!~
His hair is out of control cute!!!! He is just out of control cute!! I can't wait to see him and to see you! You look fantastic. Addy looks so so proud. So sweet :)
I am so happy for you! I am glad you were able to have a VBAC. He is a big boy, but you were so small. It was always the opposite with me and my kids. I can't wait to see more of him.
Oh Ashley he is so sweet. I am happy to finally see that hair ;) Addy looks so proud, I am sure she will be a great big sister. Glad things went smoothly and you are doing so well. Lovins!
Oh My Gosh!!! Look at all that hair! He's so sweet. Congrats to you and I'm glad everything went well.
He is a heart breaker!! I love him! Addy look so happy:) You look great!I'm so glad everything went well!!
Ashely, he's so cute!!! I love all of the hair! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! Now Ethan can have a friend!!!
Hurray! He's here! Look at all that hair! Such a cutie--Addy's just beaming like the proud older sister--so sweet.
I hope you're doing okay and enjoying bonding with that sweet boy!
AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! He is so stinking CUTE you guys!!!!!! Cutest baby boy I have seen since Porter. Truely he is ADORABLE! So glad you were able to have a VBAC. You look fantastic! He is just YUMMY, YUMMY, YUMMY! CONGRATS family of 4!
What a beautiful boy! How exciting!
Okay well he and Cash are twinners with the hair and cheeks. SO cute!! And I am so happy that you got to have your vbac--hopefully I can have the same success story someday:) Love you and hope you get healed up quickly!
He is soooo cute!! I am glad that he is here and you guys are both doing great. Can't wait to see more picture of both of you kids.
Yay!!!! He is so dang adorable and I love his cute little nose! You look absolutely amazing and YAY for having a vbac... that is so awesome. He looks so scrumptious and I can't wait to give him a squeeze!
Oh Ashley he is so cute! I am so happy it went so well for you! And I am so jealous you are done being pregnant! I can't wait to see more pictures!!!
Ashley and Chris
Congrats!!! He is so adorable and looks soooo healthy. Love all of the dark hair. What a darling, proud big sister. I am so glad things went so well for you. You are all going to have so much fun with him. Can't wait to see him---hope he is not too old before that happens. What a darling family.
Everyone in California says HI. Love you all, Aunt RONA
Congratulations! He's beautiful! Love the hair! So glad to hear that the delivery went well!
Congratulations!!!! He is so cute and adorable. I can't beleive how much hair he has. I am so happy for you that you were able to have a vbac.
What a sweet boy! Keep the pictures comin!! Glad everything went so well, good luck with the first month or two adjusting!
Yeah!!! Congratulations! He's beautiful. Enjoy those two beauties of yours, it's a wonderful time in life. Can't wait to see more pics! Congrats again! You look great too by the way!
congratulations!! he's so cute!! :)
What a chunk a monkey. He has so much hair. What a cutie. Good job mommy.
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