Day #2 in the hospital Benson had his pictures taken. The hospital has a contract with a local photography company that offers them to every family. I like them much better than the picture we had of Addy. Benson was circumcised, had his PKU done, and an ultrasound on his spine right before these were taken. So he wasn't feeling his best and he is all scratched up from the eventful morning. Considering the situation and the fact that the photographer was only in my room for 10 min, I think they turned out pretty cute.

We went to the pediatrician on Monday and Benson is doing great. They measured him wrong in the hospital and were off 2 inches. His stats are now 8lbs 1oz and 21 inches long. He was down to 7lbs 8oz when we came home on Sat, but is eating like a champ and has gained back 8 oz in
2 days.
I am still trying to find my place at home. Today has been my first day alone with my 2 babies. Lucky for me it has been great! I am still in my cozy clothes and not showered but there has been no melt downs or fits so far. I am pretty sleepy but of course couldn't take a nap. Addy was settled into bed for hers but Benson was wide awake and wanted more to eat. I did get to sleep from 2-6 a.m. this morning which has made a world of difference for my day. If only I could get motivated to get some laundry done and the house cleaned up. That just might have to wait!
Congrats to your family. Benson is sooo cute! I love how those pictures turned out. Amazing!!! Usually hospital pictures are crappy. I hope you can find your new normal with two kids and you get some sleep. That is the most important thing!
I love that last picture! How sweet. Also his blanket is so darling! Don't rush the adjustment, it seems to take a little while! Luckily you have a sweet little girl and hopefully she will not go through the naughty stage!!
Love these and am still not sick of seeing them. I might need an updated one, I am sure he changing already. I am jealous mom will be there this weekend, but my turn will come soon enough. He just better stay squishy until I get there ;) Congrats on your first day at home alone. Wish you could swing a nap...the laundry can wait!
Congrats! He is adorable, and I'm so glad the delivery went so well! I'm sure your recovery is much easier than last time. :) I finally posted Leah's quilt on my blog if you want to check. Good luck with everything!
Hmmm- Cash is 7 weeks old and here I sit in my pajamas and dirty house and it's almost 1:00...if you get motivated send some my way:) love ya and love the pics! Adorable.
Sounds like you are doing good. I hope more sleep comes in to play in your routine. You will get it down. Your kids are adorable.
They looks so adorable together!
Wow Ashley those pictures are priceless! I am so happy for you! I can't wait to hear more about your little guy. He's so cute and peaceful! Especially after the morning he had... I hope you're doing well and getting lots of rest!
He is so sweet! We're excited for you. Hopefully he won't get wild and crazy like those Laker boys!
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