
Addy's 5th Birthday

Addy turned 5 in October! It seriously is crazy how fast she is growing up. She is such a fun little girl to have around. These pictures were on the day after her birthday right before school.  She had snack for pre-school that day and we made a fun little birthday treat for her class. She was so excited to take these treat pouches to all her friends.

Some things to remember about Addy at 5.....

- She weighs 38 lbs and is 43 in tall
- She is wearing 5T in clothes and 8 1/2 in shoes
-She just got her bangs cut short after having them grown out for 2 yrs.
- She loves jewelry and all things girly
- Her favorite restaurant is Olive garden where she always orders Zuppa Toscana
- She loves school
-She is very good at writing all her letters and tries to write words
-She loves arts and crafts
-She is a very sweet friend
-She loves to play dolls and role play
-She enjoys playing in her sports class, t-ball being her favorite
- She loves primary and singing time 
- She is still loving her singing group and has become a great singer
-  She is obsessed with dogs and also is very fearful of them
- Her favorite places to go are the pet store with her dad and downtown Naperville with the family
- She is such a great help to me and is good about doing chores
- Her best little friend is her brother

We celebrated Addy's birthday this year with my parent and my sister Allyson. We love when we have visitors for Holidays! Benson slept through half her party so she got plenty of extra special attention. Here are some pictures of the birthday girl, party decor, and her guests.

Benson woke up in time for presents and cupcakes. After we sang to Addy and she blew out her candle, Benson wanted a turn. He loves to blow out the "fire".

I was really excited for Addy to open her presents. Christian and I surprised her with her first "big girl" bike. I took her randomly to a local bike shop to see how she would do on the bigger bikes. She rode all over the store and was so proud of herself. She liked the black bike in the store best. I was kinda surprised but was excited for that choice. It will be perfect to pass down to Benson. Addy had no idea we were going to get the bike for her so it was really fun to see her reaction.

 Allyson made Addy a quilt for her gift. Quilted in the top is a sweet message for Addy. It is her very favorite quilt to snuggle with. Since she has had it, she sleeps with it every night. She calls the quilt her "special blanket". We love it! Both of our families gave Addy very nice gifts. We are so lucky to have so many people that love her! 


Ashley said...

Happy Birthday Addy- she is one of the cutest girls ever!

Liz Smith said...

i know i sound like a broken record, but i really need to have you sit me down and give me a full on photo tutorial. i love how beautiful and vibrant the colors always turn out in your pictures. i love addie's coat in the pumpkin patch pictures...so pretty! you look gorgeous in that color too!