
First Tooth

(Daddy this is for you!)
Jellybean finally cut her first tooth on Sunday. Her two bottom teeth have been right under the gum for over a month now. They swell up and go back down. This teething business takes forever! She hasn't been ornery luckily. She bites on her finger like in the picture all day. I'm sure as the different teeth come in it will be more painful.
Jellybean learned to pull herself up to the couch last week. Her legs are still a little wiggly and she fell and hit her head on the corner of the couch. Her poor little head has a bruise. I'm sure it's the first of many to come. This stage is rough on their poor little bodies!
Chris we miss you so so much! We loved seeing you that little bit over the weekend. We can't wait for you to come on Friday! Thanks for being such a hard worker. We love you!


Stacy said...

Yay!! just be prepared for when she first tries to bite.. Ouch!! It's exciting when our little ones reach new milestones. Love it!!

Melissa said...

First teeth are always exciting! I hope that teething goes easy on her. Some kids get it bad, some kids have it a little easier. I hope for you and her she catches a little bit of a break. That is also so exciting she is standing up to the couch. Now she will always have a bruise somewhere! Poor kids, good thing they are resilient.

Positively Peaches said...

She is so stinkin cute. Razy is cutting her 5th tooth right now. Oh the pain of being a 1 year old.

Alice said...

Congrats on the new tooth Jellybean ;). Boo on the bruises, even if it is a necessary evil. She looks too cute in these pictures. I love her eyes.

The Rookie said...

Hurray! Is it possible she keeps getting even cuter? I can't believe she's just up the "street" and we haven't even seen her much at all. At least we'll be coming to visit this weekend for your big day!

And her poor little head! Oh, growing pains. You haven't met the worst of it yet, that's the scary part.