Jellybean is 14 months old today. It seems each month goes by faster and faster. She has turned into a little girl. She wants to do everything by herself and on her terms. I found she will eat so much better if I let her feed herself. (I don't love this because she gets it everywhere, but whatever works!) She has mastered crawling and cruises around everywhere. Her favorite thing to do is unload her bag, my purse, our suit cases, and the laundry and scatter it all over the place. What a mess she can make! She is pulling herself up to everything. A week ago she wasn't able to get passed her knees. She is getting her second tooth on the bottom left. I can't wait for a cheesy smile with some little teeth!
Jellybean is obsessed with my parents cat Milo. She wont leave the poor thing alone. I'm just waiting for the cat to attack her. Since we have been at my mom's house she has also been following Andrea around. The poor girl doesn't have her own space. They play everyday and get wild and crazy. Luckily this trip it's not taking her as long to warm up to everyone. Now we just need to go down and hang out with Alice. We have only got to see her once. Sorry Alice!
Chris and I have so much fun with Jellybean. Each new stage is so much fun to watch. Some are much harder than others, but still very rewarding. We love her so much!
It's so fun as they get older and get some independence. You get to see more and more of their cute personalities coming out. It's so great to be parents!
What a cute family! She is so adorable. It's exciting to see how the little ones develop in so many ways so quickly. Sad we didn't get to see for Thanksgiving! Hope you're loving it in Chicago.
She is darling. A spittin' image of her mama.
You are such a fantastic little photographer! Those are fun pictures and THAT SLED! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend.
Happy Birthday!!! yesterday.
Your baby is getting cuter every month.
Oh Ash, I love them. That sleigh is so fun and I LOVE that little skirt. A perfect Christmas dress. Love you sugar bear.
Yep she is no baby anymore! She is a doll. It was so fun to see you and your family at the Hull party.
We'll be around more.
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