We put up our Christmas tree tonight! Yea! I know it seems a little early, but I wanted to enjoy my tree for a week before I head home for the holidays.

I did get the tree fully decorated but I'm missing my spiral twigs. So I need to go pick some up tomorrow. This is going to be hard keeping my little sugar away from the tree. She screams and points at the ball ornaments and wants to play with them. I will have to replace the glass with plastic for sure!
It wasn't the same decorating my tree without you Alice! I can't wait for you girls to put your tree up. It's time!
Wow. Thats like getting a whole new tree since you had to skip a year. Such pretty ornaments. Are you going to post a picture of it finished?
Sugar bear looks SO BIG! What is happening to your baby?
Maybe we will get the tree up this weekend? We will see.
How fun! Christmas is always the best time of year! Your decorations and ornaments are so cute. We used to have cute ones... then we had kids old enough to 'help' decorate, and they didn't make it through that. Sigh... boys are fun!
I forgot how beautiful it is. I'm glad you get to enjoy it for a little bit before coming here. I'm definitely thinking the weekend before Thanksgiving isn't too early for a Christmas tree. Maybe that is how I'll spend my Saturday.
Can't wait for you guys to come! By the way: you, me, Alice...Twilight. Yes?
It looks Beautiful Ash. I forgot how pretty it is.
I love Christmas!
Cute tree. How long are you guys going to be in Utah? I wish I could go home for the holidays (or one holiday). I am just so busy at work on holidays and getting 4 people anywhere is getting expensive. Have fun.
That's so exciting, I can't wait for Christmas!!! When you come for Thanksgiving, I want to buy one of those bags from you! Let me know when you are having the boutique!
Your tree is beautiful!! It looks like a designer tree. You did a great job and it will be fun to enjoy it for a few days before you have to leave. Hope you all have a good Thanksgiving and holiday season. Hope we get to see you guys soon. Addy is getting so big and she is soooo adorable. Tell Chris HI. Love you guys.
WOW! What a beautiful tree. YOu go all out don't you? It looks like one for sale at the Festival of tress. Looks amazing.
What a beautiful tree!
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