My baby is 1 year old! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. She has been such a fun easy going baby. We have been so lucky to have her in our life. She is growing so fast. She is crawling everywhere and getting into everything. It's so fun to watch her discover all the new things she can get into. Her little face just lights up when she is surrounded by newspaper. She throws it everywhere! She is our little paper shredder.
Here are a few more things about Jellybean...
-She weighs 18 lbs 4 oz
-She is no longer liking any baby food
- She has 0 teeth
-She hates milk ( even with chocolate)
-She is crawling everywhere
-She is learning to pull herself up to things
-She wears 12- 18 month clothing
-She can say "mom" ,"dada", "baby", "ga ma", & "all done"
- She loves animals from a distance
- She has an obsession with putting her clothes around her neck and on her face over and over again :)

It was so fun to be able to come home to celebrate Jellybeans 1 st birthday with our family. We had a little party for her at my moms house last Saturday. She loved opening up her presents. She is good at unloading bags! Alice gave Jellybean her first baby doll. She pulled the binky right out of the dolls mouth and sucked on it. She likes to give that baby lots of kisses. It's so cute! I got her these cute cow girl boots to wear with her outfit at the party. She couldn't move with them on!

I made my first attempt with her birthday cake and cupcakes. Nothing special, but they sure turned out cute! Of course she was a little princess with her cake. She would drag her fingers through the frosting and sprinkles and lick them. She wanted Andrea to eat the cake with her. Chris cut the cake up to see if she would eat any of the center. A few bites and she was done. She loved the ice cream tho! She crawled around to everyone to get bites from their plates! Of course Grandma and Andrea loaded her up with the cream!

It was so fun to have everyone come enjoy our sweet little girl with us. We were lucky that my Grandparents and Aunt were able to come too. Thanks everyone for coming and for all the gifts. The dinner was delicious mom!
Happy Birthday to the Jellybean! Can you believe she has been here a year? My how time flies. She is too cute, I just want to love on her all the time. Her party was fun, and her cupcakes were super cute. Nicely done.
I think the pictures at grandpa's turned out cute. She looks oh so "little-kiddish".
What a doll. She is super cute. It looks like you guys had a great party. I am glad that you got to spend her first birthday with family.
I can not believe she is 1, what a big girl. She is looking cuter than ever! How has your new living arrangement been? ARe you adjusting to the city? HOpe all is well, and we hope to see that cute Jellybean soon!
So fun! I can't believe how quickly kids grow up. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday YOU were a brace-face 7th grader and now your baby is 1 already!
You did such a good job with her party!! It looked so cute! I'm so sad I didnt make it!!
HAPPY BDAY JELLYBEAN!! She is so big i cant believe it!!
Happy Birthday Jellybean. She is so cute, getting so big. I can't believe you didn't call us. Miss you guys!
Wow, She is really cute! I can't believe she is one already. It doesn't seem like she can be that old! Time goes by so fast. Hope everything is going well. Let me know when you are in town!
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