
Family Pictures

Here are our family pictures we had taken. I really love how they turned out! My kids didn't cooperate for long, but I am very happy with what Erin was able to get.


Lindsey Thomas said...

Beautiful family makes for beautiful pictures! I love them! Lindsey

Alice said...

I love these sister, they turned out GREAT! Erin captured you guys perfectly. Darling kiddos and you an Chris are pretty cute too ;) Love the colors.

The Reid Family said...

DARLING! These turned out so cute. your kids are as sweet as can be, it was fun to see you guys today. We miss having you around!

Rick and Kori said...

Soooo cute! I love them all! What gorgeous kids you have :)

Liz Smith said...

your pictures turned out so great! i love your outfit! you are hot! :)

Chelsea said...

Ashley they are WAY cute! Erin does such a good job! And your family is so photogenic!

Jami West said...

I LOVE these photos. They turned out great! You guys couldn't take a bad photo if you tried! I love the outfits you chose. Beautiful family.

The Rookie said...

Wright Family = Coolest Cats in Town! Such cute family pictures!

Heidi said...

Love the pictures! I need to find a good photographer around here.