
Labor Day

We had a great Labor Day weekend this year. It was very busy! We had our family pictures taken by my friend Erin on Saturday, and then that evening we went to the Last Fling in down town Naperville. Addy remembered all the rides from last year and was very excited to ride again. I didn't get the greatest pictures since it was dark outside. Addy rode a dragon roller coaster that I thought for sure was going to scare her, but she loved it! She still shows Christian and I how she held on so tight.

On Monday we headed to Chicago to see my first Cubs game. I can't believe I have lived here 2 years and never have went to a game. Christian has been to several games with out me. It was our lucky day! We got FREE parking a few blocks from Wrigley Field. I was so excited since we weren't bringing our stroller with us. Christian was talking to a scalper out front to get us tickets when one of the workers there said he had FREE tickets for us. They were awesome seats! We were just to the left of home plate on the 4Th row of the first upper section. We could see perfectly! Addy really enjoyed singing the songs and watching the game. I thought for sure she would want to play up and down the stairs, but she sat in her seat the whole time. Half way through the game Addy realized she didn't have a hat on. She wanted to wear her hat just like her daddy! Benson was such a good boy and let us watch the whole game. I never know what to expect taking babies anywhere. He did great!

Some friends and I had another girls night to say good bye to Erin on Tuesday. We ate dinner at Qdoba and had yummy shakes at Culver's after. We always have so much fun! I miss you all ready Erin!

Wednesday night before the Bunderson's moved, I took Addy over to say good bye to Ella. Ella was Addy's very first friend here in Chicago. These too have played so much together. Addy named both her babies after her best buddy. We are really going to miss this family!

The girls were being silly and running around as usual. Chasing each other screaming and jumping on the bed.


Melissa said...

I have been so bad at commenting lately, but I do keep up with all your blog posts. I can't believe how big Benson is getting! What a little handsome stud! And Addy is adorable as ever! Looks like you keep really busy and have lot's to do. Sometimes that is bitter/sweet!!

Erin said...

Such cute pictures of our girlies! haha i love ella's "pantless" we miss you guys too!!! But hopefully at some point we can reunite :) The ball game looked like tons of fun!

Rick and Kori said...

Oh that is so cute that Addy and Ella were such good friends! Hopefully they can still see each other every once in a while :) Looks like you had a lot of fun at the baseball game! We need to do that soon!

Alice said...

Love all the pictures...as always :) Sorry Addy's buddy moved away, it's so sad. I love the pictures of them.

Glad you made it to a baseball game and that you lucked out with free tickets and free parking, SWEET!. Looks like fun.

Liz Smith said...

ohhhh....i LOVED this post!! such cute pictures and the ones of addy and ella are awesome! maybe someday they will meet up in college and be besties again. :D

so glad you got to go to a cubs game! i love a good ball game at wrigley...definitely one of the loves of my chicago life. :D

The Rookie said...

I love the photos at the baseball game! That picture of Addy and Ella hugging is precious! Too bad she moved away. :/

Melanie said...

Hi, Ashley. You've got some precious children. Your photos are fantastic!

I'm Melanie from over at texasfreckles.com. I can't find an email address for you, so I'm hoping you'll see this message. You're my Katie Jump Rope giveaway winner!

Stop by my blog and send me an email so we can get in touch! :-)