
2 1/2 years old & 2 months old

Addy and Benson went to the doctor yesterday for their well check up and shots. I couldn't decide if I was crazy or not for scheduling them at the same time with no help. Our appointment went good. We really love our doctor!

First up was Benson-

Benson's 2 month Stats:
weight- 13 lbs 7 oz 78%
height- 24.5 in 88%

He is a chunky guy and very healthy! He still has a little thrush that I am having a hard time getting rid of. Luckily it's not bothering him at all.

-sleeping 7-8 hours through the night
- 3-6 month clothing
- eating every 2 hours
-loves to be held ALL the time
- smiles when talked to

We have loved having Benson with us, he is a great baby! Addy can't wait until they can play with all the toys together.

Addy was checked out last by her request. As soon as the doctor walked in the room she started saying " No band-aids not yet. Next week I have one, ok?!" It was so funny. I hadn't told her she was getting any shots until after her well check was finished and the doctor left the room. She just knew!

Addy's 2 1/2 year Stats:
-weight: 28 lbs
-height: 35 inches

She is right on track of where she should be. The doctor was impressed with her vocabulary and usage of words. She is very expressive and has no volume control!

- still napping once a day (on a good day!)
- 2T clothing
- loves to draw, color, and paint
- favorite place is the park
- discovered all things princess
-favorite song is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
-knows her alphabet and can count to 12

Addy is in a very fun stage. She is very silly! She will run around and pretend to fall to make you laugh. She constantly is asking me to laugh at her. She loves to play in her kitchen, take care of her babies, build towers, play trains, and of course color. She is into coloring with all neutrals. Every now and again she throws an orange or peach into the mix. We are struggling with sharing her toys right now. I try so hard to explain to her about sharing, but I am sure it will come with time. Her daddy is her favorite! She looks forward to him coming home at night.
When daddy is home nothing else matters!

Most days she asks to be called "Snow White." I get to be Cinderella and sometimes Gus, Benson varies day to day between lots of characters, but Christian is always The Prince. She figured this all out on her own. I try not to push the princess stuff on her because she is so young. It's amazing how they quickly figure things out. She asks to wear dresses and skirts all the time to be like a princess. I love how innocent and sweet she is.

Addy comes up with crazy stuff all the time. She has a great imagination! She is still talking in third person a lot. She has conversations with herself all the time where she asks herself questions and then answers them as well. It's very entertaining! One of my favorite things is when she makes a deal with you. If she wants something or doesn't want to do something she ends her sentence in " that's a deal?" It's hard not to laugh every time. Since we brought Benson home, Addy describes everything as "little."

"where is my little sippy cup?"
"can I have a little snack?"
"come her little baby"
"I played with my little friends"
my favorite- " where is my little daddy The Prince?!"

Having two kids keeps me very busy! We stay home a lot because it's to much work to get us out the door. Addy is growing and changing so much right now. It's so fun but sad all at once! I am so lucky I get to spend so much time with them both! It is definitely more work than I thought it would be. Very rewarding but hard! I love my kids so much!


Trinity said...

Wow, he is a chunky monkey. Jesse still does not sleep through the night well. He goes about 7 hours, but he is 4.5 months. That's on a good day. Anywho, your kids are so darn cute.

:) said...

Ow Ash, I just laughed so much at the cute little things addy says... she is so so sweet. your kids are so precious, and you are a great mother. With Chris a Prince, you are a princess too. :)

Elaine said...

Benny is getting so big. I cant wait to get my hands on him. What can I say about our little princess. She is such a cuttie. We are counting the days when you guys come to visit. Love you

The Rookie said...

Seriously Ashley--I think you were made to be a Mommy. You rock at it! And those two kiddos are beautiful proof of it! :)

Alice said...

I love this post and hearing the Addy's latest funnies. She is such a sweet "little" girl. Benson is clearly growing like a weed and changes so much every time you post something new.

Success at the doctor alone. Way to go ;)

Can't wait to see you guys.

The Lakers said...

Benson is so cute, we can't wait to meet him. Reece just went to her 6 month check up and she weighed 13 lbs 13 oz.!!

Chelsea said...

I can't believe Benson sleeps 7-8 hours! Man I can' wait for the day Cailyn can do that. I haven't hada good nights sleep since I was 5 months pregnant! Your kids are seriously adorable. I love hearing all about them!

Erin Morgan said...

Ashley, you are such a good mother! And your two babies are so cute. I enjoy looking at your blog and seeing how your sweet family is doing.

Ashley said...

That picture of Addy is adorable. She looks so old!