The month of January has come and gone so quickly! We had a very busy month and I never took the time to update what we have been up to. Here is a quick over view of all the fun things we did.
We spent New Years Eve with just the three of us. It was very low key but fun. We had dinner at Gioradono's Pizza and watched the countdown at our house. We were ready for bed at 10:30 but barely made it to midnight.
Addy and I were lucky to catch a flight home on New Years Day. We tried to get out of Chicago for a week straight but the snow storms were keeping us from going anywhere. We didn't get to stay long because I had to be back for a doctors app. But we definitely enjoyed our trip.
For part of my mom's Christmas present, my sisters and I gave her a ticket to the Jazz game. It was her first game ever. Too bad the Jazz lost. The highlight of the evening for me was my mint chocolate Dip'n Dots! Best treat ever!

Addy and I were able to go and spend two days with Aimee and her kids. Addy had a blast playing with Savy. She really misses her and talks about her all the time. They played with their babies, colored, cooked in the kitchen, had a tea party, and ran around screaming. We really miss being close to all of Addy's cousins!
Addy became attached to "bunny foo foo." He is a stuffed bunny I got in my Easter basket years ago. She named him and carried him around with a blanket the entire week. Nanny Elaine was so nice to let Addy bring him home with us.
We took a little trip to Arizona two weekends ago. Scottsdale has an office that we can maybe transfer to. I have never been so we thought we would go see what it was like. It was the last weekend my doctor wanted me to fly so we made some quick plans and headed out of the cold. The weather felt amazing in AZ. It was 60 degrees almost the whole trip. Not bad for January! We stayed in Phoenix at the Hyatt hotel. We had a great room! It was nice to have 3 days off with Christian and not a thing on our agenda. We caught up on our sleep and enjoyed our time together.We really liked Scottsdale and the surrounding area. We shopped a lot! I couldn't get enough of all the sales.
It rained on us a little Monday so Christian took us to see the Mesa Temple. Very beautiful! It's built to look like the temples from The Old Testament. Addy loved playing on the temple grounds and walking around the fountain.

We were lucky to have the weather clear up Tuesday morning. By 10:00 a.m. it was all ready 65 degrees! The sun felt amazing. Christian and I took Addy to the Phoenix Zoo. She loves animals so much right now and is very curious about them. We pretty much had the zoo to ourselves so we let Addy walk by herself most of the day. She definitely enjoyed the freedom from the stroller! Addy said her favorite of all the animals we saw were " the monkey monkey and Horton."

Last weekend some of my friends in the ward threw me a baby shower/ girls night out at Olive Garden. It was a lot of fun! I felt a little embarrassed to be receiving all the attention and gifts since it is my second baby. Everyone was so great and spoiled us! We have a fabulous ward here with a lot of support. Thank you to everyone that came!
I have been busy the last couple of days trying to re-organize and making room for the baby. Addy shares half her closet with all my fabric and sewing stuff. I have been trying to figure out other places it can go so the baby has plenty of room for his things. Not easy but I am making it work. It's hard only having two bedrooms. It won't be like this for much longer so we are making due with what we have.
I am down to 3 weeks left! I went to the doctor and I am not dilated and he hasn't dropped all the way yet. I still need another week to finish a few things and then the baby can come whenever he is ready! I just hope he hurries because my body can't handle getting any bigger! I am so excited to have him in our lives. I have been dreaming about holding him
and what he will look like for the last month. I re-fold his clothes and blankets constantly. I don't even know him yet, but I definitely am in love!
I have been busy the last couple of days trying to re-organize and making room for the baby. Addy shares half her closet with all my fabric and sewing stuff. I have been trying to figure out other places it can go so the baby has plenty of room for his things. Not easy but I am making it work. It's hard only having two bedrooms. It won't be like this for much longer so we are making due with what we have.
I am down to 3 weeks left! I went to the doctor and I am not dilated and he hasn't dropped all the way yet. I still need another week to finish a few things and then the baby can come whenever he is ready! I just hope he hurries because my body can't handle getting any bigger! I am so excited to have him in our lives. I have been dreaming about holding him
and what he will look like for the last month. I re-fold his clothes and blankets constantly. I don't even know him yet, but I definitely am in love!
I'm so excited for you guys! I can't wait to see pictures and hear the stories about his long-awaited arrival!
You just need a room for crafts and your fabric stash. Half a closet won't do! ;)
I'm glad you guys got away to warm weather for a few days. It looks BEAUTIFUL in Scottsdale!
What a fun month. Those pictures of your shower make me sad. I love everyone in them! And you came to Utah without calling me??? Totally kidding, if I only had a few days I would spend the time with my family too! Miss you guys and can't wait to see pictures of baby B!
Finally, another post! Ahoo Ahoo! I am glad you guys had a nice time in AZ and you actually got to hang out with Chris. The weather looked perfect and Addy looks darling both days. I am sure she was hilarious at the zoo.
Nice to see they are so fabulous to you in your ward. Wish I could have been there. I am sure it makes things easier being so far from home having friends like that around.
I am excited to meet Mr. Man too. I wish I could come and see all his litte clothes and love on him as soon as he finally arrives. A few weeks after that isn't so bad though.
Good luck making the finishing touches, I miss you :)
I cant believe you are down to three weeks, I am so jealous... Looks like you guys have been having lots of fun! Hope to see you guys soon.
I can't believe everything you are doing this close to your due date!! You go girl!!!!! I hope the next few weeks go smoothly with the baby coming. I can't wait to see pictures!
Arizona looked like so much fun!!!! Oh Ashley I can't wait to see your sweet baby boy... it is so exciting and I bet he is going to be one little handsome man.
I am needing to head to a Jazz game and to the Temple. Your little man is going to be here before you know it. Boys are so fun. Your little girl is getting so big.
It looks like you had a fun month. Your boy is going to be so cute- Addy is such a doll!
Awww! I bet you cannot wait to have your baby boy. Good luck : )
I cannot wait to have children of my own.
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