Sunday we had amazing weather! Sadly we wont be having too many more of these days. After watching conference Christian and I took Addy to the park. It was a little cool so she agreed to wear her hat (as long as I gave her a cookie) that aunt Ronna made her. She looked so cute! Addy had her fast running shoes on and was ready to play. She goes up the stairs and down the slide all by herself! Every time she gets to the top she says "ready set go." She is so proud of herself. When she gets to the bottom she runs over and gives us a high five and is back up the stairs again.
Christian took Addy up this big hill to roll down. He held her and they rolled together. She kept saying "again again!" They ran around wild. I really enjoy watching Christian and Addy play together. Addy was able to see some ducks, a frog, and a bunny while we were there. We are really going to miss our days at the park.
I took her back on Monday for 2 hours while we waited for Christian to come home. She met a little friend she kept calling "Buddy." He was a year older and wanted her to watch all of his cool tricks. She followed him all over the park. I love watching Addy interact with other kids. She is so happy to have someone to play with and follow around.
So cute. I love the hat Ronna made. If you have to bribe her with cookies, so be it :)
I use to love rolling down the hill at the park. Im glad she liked it. And nicely done on the pictures, you got some good shots.
Oh Ashley she looks so big in these pictures. It just keeps going by faster and faster! I am excited to come this weekend. Can't wait to see you!
sooo cute! I love the big picture of addy at the top of your blog!
I love your pictures! Addy is so adorable.
I love the new photo at the top--that is such a beautiful shot!
"Ready set go!" Oh, she's so BIG!
Ashley I just found your blog through Erin's. Awesome! I really need to learn how to do wha tyou can do!
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