
For those of you who don't know.....

(our first Dr. app at 7 weeks)

Christian and I are expecting baby #2! I am due on Feb 20. We are very excited! Things are going really well and I have felt great. We have found an office here that we like. I wont know what I am having until Oct. 9th. My Dr. wont do the ultrasound until after 20 weeks. I am going crazy! I am the most impatient person ever and I really would love to start making some baby goods. But I guess I will just have to wait! My mom and sisters will be flying into Chicago the evening of my app. which is very exciting. A weekend full of fun baby shopping will definitely be in the works.

This is a belly picture of me at 15 weeks. I am showing fast! I am bigger than my last pregnancy but have gained less weight this far. I have only gained 2 lbs, but I know this can changed very quickly.

Addy and I went to our app tonight alone. Christian's train broke down right before his stop. So we had to leave him stranded. I was a little nervous about this because Addy was so busy at our last app. Surprisingly she was so good! They let her bring toys in the room with us to keep her busy. I was one of the last patients of the night so they were very fast. Christian made it right in time for me to schedule for the next app. But I was still happy to have him there.

(Dr. app at 15 1/2 weeks)

Our life is going to change so much with another addition, but we are ready!
I hope Addy transitions well. She is in a very possessive stage right now. Everything is "Addy's!" I am so excited for her to have a little friend at home. When you ask her what is in mommies belly she lifts up her shirt and says "no Addy's baby." She hasn't grasped the fact that a baby will be coming into our lives. She probably wont understand until the baby is here.

I really don't care if I have a boy or a girl. Either will be great! I just can't wait to find out so I can give the baby a name. We have decided on a girl and a boy name that we both love. So let the next 5 weeks pass quickly!


Elaine said...

Everyone looks so happy. I can't wait either. Babies are so fun.

The Rookie said...

"I'm too excited to sleep!" Here's to hoping the next few weeks will fly!

By the way, I love Adder's cheeser grin in the final photo.

Wendy said...

Congrats! :)

Melissa said...

Congrats!! I hope you continue to feel well!

Shanda said...

Im so excited for you Ash!! You are the cutest family and you are the best mommy! YOu are so strong and I love you! Cant wait fo rthe babe to get here!! Let me know if you need anything! Oh and sorry I havent text you back about that strap I keep forgetting !! I will measure it tonight!!!!

Shannon said...

Addy will love having a sibling. You look great! I saw that it was only 68 degrees in Chicago yesterday. I can't wait until we are out of the 100's.

Ginger said...

Yay! I have been waiting for this post! I'm going to hope for a boy so our boys can be besties. Keep us updated! Loves :)

Erin said...

congrats! woo hoo
cant wait to see what your having :)

Sarah said...

I am so EXCITED for you guys!!! My bet is that you are having a boy... just a gut feeling. You are still so tiny and you always look so cute... love your clothes. I totally need you to teach me how to make that bag one night/day. Once I have this baby and get all situated I want to get together... oh and I just found out that I am your new visiting teacher!!!! I was so excited when I got my new assignment and saw your name on it.

Sarah said...

Oh, and for the flannel that I used on the receiving blankets I actually bought those blankets on sale at Walmart and just sewed two of them together. I think that is what I am going to do with all of the receiving blankets that I make because there is no cutting out and only took like 2 seconds to do.

:) said...

Yeah, congrates and even though you are so far away it will be fun have our kids all so close like we where in age, so then they can play at family events with there "cousin" You look so cute... I bet Addy will start carrying her doll around to be like mommy. That is awesome you are feeling great, hope that stays that way.

The Reid Family said...

Yay for new babies! I cant wait to find out what it is!Hope you guys are doing good, you look great!

Jenny said...

Congrats. Hey we just had some friends move to Chicago. Where do you guys live. She is very nervous to be in Chicago. So any advice would be great.

Dresses and Spurs said...

WooHoo congrats!

The Hulls said...

I'm so excited for you!! Congrats again.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you, Congratulations!!

Jenny said...

What is your email address, and Ill give it to her. They live in Hyde Park? I think, but I hear it is not the nicest place, but they live on campus. Im sure she would love to talk to you. Thanks

Heidi said...

How exciting. Having 2 kids is different but it is fun. I can't wait to find out what you are going to name the baby.

Texie said...

Congrats! You and Charlotte must plan your pregnancies together!!! Good Luck!!!

Alice said...

YAY! It's about time you posted it on this blog. (it is also about time I left a comment :) I can't wait for this new little one to come. It's kind of crazy there will be two babies too.

I love that bottom picture. Adders cheesy grin is too much :)

Trinity said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. I am so happy for your little family to expand.