
Happy Anniversary

Christian and I celebrated our 3rd Anniversary today! I really can say it has been great. We have been through so much in such a little amount of time. We both have enjoyed the time together and the chance we have had to be parents. I look forward to the coming years we will have together. I Love you so much!


The Rookie said...

Happy Anniversary (yesterday)! You two HAVE been through a lot--and, as a testament to the strength of your marriage, you two come out of every situation even closer!

Way to go for 3 years and counting!

Shanda said...

OMGosh. I can believe we are so grown up! LOL. COngrats. You too are so great together. I just love Christian! He is a lucky man too! Good thing we went on that lake powell trip right?!

Shanda said...

That was supposed to say "I CANT believe..."

Erin said...

Congrats!!! cute scrapbooking!! and pictures!

Alice said...

Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it has only been 3 years, and that is has been all at the same time. Sheesh! I love all three of you. Congrats on three years and the many more to come.

Cute collage :)

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to you both!

With thanks for reading my blog,
Red Pepper Quilts

Ginger said...

Congratulations friend! Wishing you many more great anniversaries to come!!

Melissa said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! Time flies when you are married, huh? It just gets better and better!

Becky Henson said...

Yea! Congrats to you two! Such a beautiful family and so many blessings!

Trinity said...

It's amazing at how fast time flies. Seriously it gets better and better with each year. Andrew and I will be celebrating 5 years in August. Marriage truly is wonderful and what you make it! Congrats!