Jellybean is 11 months old today!!
I can't believe she is almost a whole year old! She is getting cuter by the day. She has such a silly little personality. It's amazing how much she is learning everyday.
Here are a few things about her....
- She weighs 19 lbs
- She has 0 teeth
- She doesn't crawl or walk
- She loves to listen and dance to music
- She is a really good eater
- Her favorite food right now is pasta
- She finally figured out how to drink out of a straw and a sippie cup (no more bottle!)
- She likes to sleep in her moms bed (making me crazy!!)
- She is still a very good sleeper
- She takes 2 naps a day
- She is extremely fascinated with her tongue
I took these pictures of her yesterday. In the suburb we live in there is a cute historic downtown area with lots of shops and restaurants. There is a river walk with a couple of really cool bridges. I didn't really get the pictures I wanted because she was more interested in picking dirt out of the cracks of the bridge. But it was a very fun day!
I don't love the house we live in but I'm trying to work with it. The sad thing is we are going to be moving in another year again! :(
It is so much work to move. I will post pictures of the house as soon as I get it done. Maybe in October it will be fully decorated. ( no promises!!)
I know I said that I was going to cut Jellybean's hair but it was making me crazy! I was letting her look ragged in hopes it would grow out. Her hair is still to fine to grow long. I only cut around the edges. She still rubs her hair in the back so the sides of her neck were longer than the center. It still has a ledge like a layer that she rubs off that I hate. But at least it looks better than it did.
All of this hair is just off her neckline! I can't believe it was that long. Too bad her sides and her bangs don't grow.
She is so cute! How is her hand doing? You have to take us on a tour of your new house!! I'm excited to see it. It's crazy how fast time flies!
She looks so cute!! I cant believe she is 11 months!! THat seems so crazy to me
He hair looks adorable!! I'm going to have the baldest baby on the planet
She is such a sweet baby. One more month and you will have a one year old. Crazy. In one month I will have a 2 year old and a 4 year old. Time is going waaaay toooo fast.
hey friend!! i am so sad you moved and i didn't get to see you. She sure is a cutie!!! and time flyes fast. i can't believe it. i just remember you pregers at your shower, seems like yesterday. Well try to call when your in town, i'm sure you will be busy,butit would be fun to get together with you and char. see ya soon linz
Oh Ash...she is SO CUTE! I can't believe she is so big. I love the pictures. I love her little hair clip, tights, and that little tongue. The ones of her cute nakedness eating a toothbrush are scrumdidliumptious. (I have no idea how to spell such a word).
I am glad you are getting things painted and settled in. Yay for cable and the internet FINALLY! I am sure you have missed the outside world as much as we missed you. Does this mean more frequent blog posts? (oh please oh please oh please :)
I tried to fix your weird sidebar. It is like the margins got screwed up and that is why it is at the bottom? Maybe blogger is weird? My attempts to fix it don't make the right difference. I will look at it again tomorrow. We just might have to make you a new template :) Start thinking of some ideas missy.
Your little jellybean is so cute. I love her new pictures. I think she looks like Chris. The painting looks fun! I hope it all turns out good. I'm sure it will look great!
When are you coming back to Utah? I need you! I want to get some pictures of me and Tyler and I need YOU to take them, you talented photographer you... Jellybean looks cuter and cuter as the days pass. Makes me just want to squeeze her... but she knows when I'm around she doesnt get as much attention from her mommy so I think she hates me. Sad.
I am so excited to see you guys when you come to Utah. She is getting to be more and more little girl and less and less baby. And she is absolutely adorable!
She is so cute!!! Looks just like her momma! How was the move, you likin it? I love your blog, you make it look so cute!
wow I can't believe that little cutie is almost 1! Im glad you guys are coming for a visit soon, I think we are blessing Grady that Sunday that you guys will be here so hopefully you can make it!
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