Warning: Super long post
We finally moved! It seems like we have been talking about going forever. Getting here was something else! We flew out Sunday night and that's where our crazy adventure began. I didn't take any pictures of us on Sunday because my eyes were so swollen from crying the whole day. That was honestly the hardest thing I have ever done. It was so hard to leave our family and friends.
We flew out Sunday night hoping to fly standby on Delta. There were 18 seats available when we left the house 2 hours prior. Chris and I were 6 and 7 of the 18. We could definitely get on. WRONG! We missed the flight by one seat. So we had to fly Southwest instead an hour later. I was fine with that except for the fact that our luggage went to one airport and we flew into the other. By the time we landed and rented a car the baggage claim were our luggage had ended up was closed. I had no clothes, no toothbrush, and no car seat for the baby. Luckily we were able to rent a car seat with our car.Too bad it had to be back by 8:00 in the a.m.
We crashed as soon as we got to our hotel. I was so emotionally drained. Chris had to take the car back early the next morning and head into work. That night I knew I would be stranded but it didn't click in until Monday morning when I woke up. Luckily for Jellybean I packed her jammies and an outfit in her diaper bag. I had on the same thing I wore on Sunday. Well I had to get us checked out of the hotel because we couldn't stay there another night. We had a different hotel in a different city for Monday night. I had a car but no car seat to get us anywhere. I was so bugged. It wasn't until i talked to my mom that I started to cry. I had no clue what to do or where anything was in this new place.
I decided to go ask the front desk if they had a car seat on hand ( I figured they didn't but it was worth a try). Of course they didn't! So I had to break the law. I had the shuttle van drive us to Target which was a little over 2 miles down the road. I strapped Jellybean to my lap in the back of the van and prayed we wouldn't get in a wreck or get a ticket. The man waited for me to run in and purchase a car seat. I hurried and looked them over. I wanted the cuter brown and green one but it didn't go all the way up to a booster. So I decided to get the black seat. It seemed to hit all the criteria. I hurried p to the front and out to the van.
The driver dropped me off at my car so I could put it in the back. I ran in to get the rest of or things so I could check out. I came back out to hook in the new car seat and it was the wrong one! I was so mad. The seats were both made by the same company. I didn't even look at the picture. Luckily it's a great car seat and it was the cutest one!
This is a very scary picture. Bed head and no make up hanging out in the parking lot of my hotel :)
It took me over an hour to figure out the car seat. During all this I hit my pearl ring, that I just had sized, on something and busted the pearl off. I almost lost it in the parking lot. This day was horrible! I drove around and looked at stores until Chris got off work. Luckily we were able to get our luggage Monday night.
We made it to our hotel. I was so happy to not be hanging out in the car anymore! I got up Tuesday morning early so I could get ready. The baby didn't sleep in so I was trying to get ready while she played on the floor. I thought I had her far enough away from me, but next thing I knew she had lunged forward onto her belly and grabbed the cord to my curling iron. It happened all so fast. The iron landed on the top of her left hand. I watched it fall and tried to grab it as fast as I could. It was only on her hand for a few seconds but made the biggest burn. I hurried and put her hand under cold water and called my Dr. The nurse said she had to be seen. I called Chris crying my eyes out. I needed him to look up on the Internet somewhere I could take her.
Luckily her burn was mostly 1st degree with some 2nd degree in the center. I feel so awful! She only cried for a minute and it hasn't bothered her since. She wont leave the dressing around it alone. She keeps picking it all apart. My poor little baby!!!
This is some pictures of her after I took her to the Dr on Tuesday. Her poor little hand. It breaks my heart!
Tuesday we rented a Uhaul and started packing up all our stuff from the storage shed to take to our new house. Poor Chris has done all the work himself. The boxes and furniture are so heavy. Jellybean and I sat outside with Chris as he unloaded. I helped with what I could. My job is unpacking. YUCK!!
I had to take Jellybean back to the doctor today for a follow up visit. Everything is healing really good. It rained today and I was so happy about that. Long sleeves to keep her from picking! Here are some pictures before we left.
This is the front of our town house. I will take more pics after we get settled. The inside is so YELLOW! I like some of it but 4 different shades? Are you kidding me?
And last but not least, family pictures. We took pictures with both sides of our family before we left. For some reason I can't get my side of the family pictures to pull up. Help Alice!
Thanks for everyones help with our move. We love you and miss you all!
OH poor jellybeans hand!! she looks in good spirits though! I'm glad all the trauma is over with the move even though I'll not particularly glad about the move in general :) I'll be out to visit sometime I promise!!
I am glad that you finally got to Chicago. Once you get things unpacked things will settle down. It was hard for me to leave my family and friends too. I think that I cried most of the way home each time I left from a visit with them. It got easier for me but I have also been away for almost 7 years now. You will make friends there and things will be good.
Poor Jellybean I hope she is doing better.
Good Luck with everything.
Yahoo a new post! I am so excited.
That is so pitiful! Jellybean's poor little hand. :( Not to mention my eyes teared up reading your post...Sunday was a sad day for sure. Sorry that it was drama from day 1. That's what happens when you are married to Murphy huh?
I am totally jealous of the rain, it is still so freakin HOT here! Sugar bear looks cute in her little purple outfit, and SO big in her big girl car seat.
The family pictures are fun, and I love the one you can see Sugar bear's tongue! hehehehehe
Hope things are improving for you and I am glad you arrived safely. I can't wait until your internet is installed so you can post more often. ;)
Miss you!
Oh Ashley! Alice had given me your horror story updates as they happened, but this made me tear up all over again for you! Talk about one nightmare after another! I am so happy you and your stuff are at least IN your house now--even if everything is a chaotic mess of boxes!
Poor little Jellybean and her little hand--I hate that kind of stuff inevitably happens to little kiddos! Please don't feel too guilty. You are the best little mom I've ever watched in action!
I am so proud of you for being so strong through all of this! I'm so happy your mommy is coming this weekend to help you out. And I can't wait to come visit you soon!
We miss you already!
Oh I am so sorry your first few days have been so crapy!! Not like you need the exra stress. I'm sure once you get settled it will get better. Poor little jelly bean. That's awful. She is so cute. I can't believe you are really gone. Jackson is not going to be the same. Post often. Can't wait to come and see you guys. We love ya!
You poor thing! You poor daughter's hand. Man...you've been through the ringer. You deserve a bon-bon!
We miss you guys! I hope you can get settled soon, and have no more drama for a while. Thanks again for the cute pictures. Sorry about the little ones hand, cohen grabbed my curling iron once and it made me feel so sad....but they wont ever remember it!
Oh, Ashley.
I feel for you. I hate days like that. I'm glad you're into your home now though. Hopefully things will start to look up. Enjoy the new experiences!
I'm so sorry about your misforutunes of moving, but I'm so excited for your family and this new adventure that you're embarking on.
Ash I know how you feel. When I moved to Las Vegas away from my family here in Utah I balled for a week. Rien also burnt his hand the other day on the iron. Those little people move to fast. I'm glad that she is alright! Good luck in Chicago!
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