July has been a crazy month for our family. I have been in Chicago the last 2 weeks looking for a place to live. We have to be out of our house by the end of July. It's coming so fast! Now that it's down to the end I really don't want to leave. We have such great family and friends here. We love you all so much!!
Hopefully some of you will come visit! There is a ton to do in Chicago. Dirty Dancing starts on Broadway the end of Sep. I can't wait. The shopping is fabulous! My mother in law came last week for 4 days to help me with Jellybean. We hit some good sales! It's so fun because you can walk around for a couple miles and the stores never end!
I have walked so much the last 2 weeks. We rode the trains and walked everywhere we went. My aching feet! It has been so hot and humid there. I don't have hair that works with any of that!
We still are not sure where exactly we are going to live. We want to move out to the suburbs but we haven't found the right house. It is really hard not knowing the areas. It's a big culture shock for us and I want to feel safe. We had a Realtor show us around and that was super helpful.
Hopefully when Chris goes back this next week he will find something.
Here are a couple pictures of us waiting for and riding the train in down town Chicago.

I sold my living room furniture and decided to bring in the patio set. I know it's crazy but what else are we going to sit on? The swing is great indoors. I love to swing and watch t.v.
Who needs a rocking chair when you have this?
This is a picture of the guys hauling away the love seat. That was the first set of furniture
Christian and I purchased together.
I also sold our office furniture. Thanks for your help Alice and Rookie!
We have played many hours of Rock Band at my parents house. I love this game!

We spent the fourth of July with Alice and Rookie. We got some take out from Cafe Rio and headed to watch fireworks. Jellybean was more interested in playing with the grass than anything else. She would pick a handful of grass and then pull each blade one by one. Right before fireworks started the sprinklers turned on. Luckily only the corner of the blanket got wet.
Jellybean and I went swimming with Charlotte & Texi. It has been so hot so we loved cooling off in the water. We also went another time with Shanda, MaLia and Daddy. It was so much fun to see how much Jellybean loves the pool. She would scream and splash and scream some more.
Hope everyone is having a fun summer!
It sounds like you have had a crazy couple of weeks. I hope that you find the right place to live. It is hard to move away from you family and friends but don't worry you will make some new friends. You will feel at home in no time.
Wow! You are definitely off for an adventure! Love the swing in the living room! Ingenuity! You daughter is SO cute. :) Your mom's living room is pretty. I still need to go see how it all ended up. :)
Good luck with everything ahead. :)
Its nice to get an update on you guys, we havent got to see ya too much. I totally want to come see dirty dancing on broadway hello!! That would be a blast. I hope you guys can find a place soon so it wont be so stressful. Let us know what we can help out with for the move! Tell Chris to get us some buddy passes and we will go help you move into your new house!!
Hurray! Our internet is finally up again and we can check your lovely new power-post on your blog!
I hate that you guys are leaving so soon! I hate to think what you must be going through in all of this but I know you will adjust to city life and make new friends really soon. Ash--you can talk to anybody! Don't worry--we will come see you sometime soon. And Dirty Dancing--we are TOTALLY there! "Nobody puts Baby in the corner."
Love the post! I'm so sad you are leaving though!! I will most certainly be out there to visit though!! I'm going to start saving up now!! M had so much fun at the water park thanks for inviting us!!
I can't believe you are leaving. It's so sad. Jackson will not be the same without you guys.. We are saving our money to come up, so you better start finding all the fun things to do so we can have our own personal tour guide!! ha ha.
I totally dig the lawn furniture in your house. That swing is the best :) I am glad you got a bunch of your furniture sold...Money in the bank! :)
I am totally down with Dirty Dancing, it would be so fun. I can't wait to come visit you.
One more thing, I am a little embarrassed of that Rock Band picture. Do you see the look on my face? Hopefully I got a good score at least. When are we going to play again?
I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I will have you and your family in my prayers at this time of loss.
It's great you get to have such an adventure! Chicago will be home in no time. I love the patio set.
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